Sunday, May 26, 2013

Iron Man 3...

In the film industry we critics go off of a number of basic guidelines but its usually a universal opinion that sequels and threequels in this day and age tend to ruin the series. 
Well in the case of Iron Man 3 its not ruined but it's also not exactly a high point either. the film is very much the low point of the series. Its certainly a great movie but the story is very much lacking from what we've seen in the previous two films. Its not even a bad story. Its just not what i was hoping for from something like this. Don't get me wrong its a great film its just the story is lacking. The visual effects are amazing, the animation is outstanding, and the characters have their usual funny remarks in fact it seems like they upped the humor substantially this time around. So honestly this movie is really worth checking out. It's a fun movie and it has a lot going for it. The story is just lacking and for that i have to give it an 8/10. But still i did actually like it.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

I'm drawing the line in the sand!


No it's not yet another complaint about Hasbro doing everything wrong! It is in regard to the fact that my Email inbox is now flooded with requests that i review the movie. Everyone relax! An Equestria Girls review is on my to do list however it will not be a full length review. Instead it's going to be a shorter video that touches on the major points and overall opinion i have after watching it. Hunter Reviews is set to be my next big production and i want to be professional about this.

So I'm just putting it out there. No need to flood my inbox with requests because it IS going to happen. But lets just wait for it to come out first.